The MP6 was a microprocessor designed by Rise Technology to compete with the Intel Pentium line. The firm spent 5 years developing the processor. Announced in 1998, the chip never achieved widespread use, and Rise quietly exited the market in December of the following year. Like competitors Cyrix and IDT, Rise found it was unable to compete with Intel and AMD.
Silicon Integrated Systems licensed the MP6 technology, and used it in the SiS550, a system-on-a-chip that integrated the MP6 CPU, the north and south bridges, and sound and video on a single chip. The SiS550 saw use in some compact PCs and in consumer devices such as DVD players.
Silicon Integrated Systems licensed the MP6 technology, and used it in the SiS550, a system-on-a-chip that integrated the MP6 CPU, the north and south bridges, and sound and video on a single chip. The SiS550 saw use in some compact PCs and in consumer devices such as DVD players.